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  • Writer's pictureG Weisbrodt

Capturing Striking Portraits with Your Cell Phone: A Comprehensive Lesson Plan and Assignment


Portrait photography with your cell phone offers an accessible way to capture the essence of individuals, celebrating their unique personalities and traits. This lesson plan provides a comprehensive guide to using your phone’s portrait mode or manual settings to create striking and memorable portraits. By focusing on natural light, simple backgrounds, and effective techniques, you’ll learn to take impressive portraits that highlight your subject’s best features.


Portrait Mode vs. Manual Settings

  • Portrait Mode: Designed to enhance portrait photography by blurring the background and keeping the subject in sharp focus. This mode creates a professional-looking bokeh effect with minimal effort.

  • Manual Settings: Provides greater control over focus, exposure, and other elements, allowing for more personalized and creative portraits. Ideal for users who want to experiment and achieve specific artistic effects.

Using Natural Light Natural light is crucial for flattering portraits. It softens shadows and enhances colors. Position your subject near a window or in an outdoor area with diffused sunlight to achieve the best results.

Choosing a Simple Background A clutter-free background ensures that the subject stands out. Opt for plain or subtly textured backgrounds to keep the focus on the subject and avoid distractions.


Capturing Striking Portraits with Your Cell Phone: A Comprehensive Lesson Plan and Assignment


Welcome to our guide on mastering portrait photography with your cell phone! Portrait photography focuses on capturing the essence of individuals by highlighting their personality, emotions, and unique traits. In this lesson, we’ll explore how to use your phone’s portrait mode or manual settings to take stunning portraits. You’ll learn how to utilize natural light, select a simple background, and make the most of your phone’s features to create impressive portraits.

Lesson Objective

Objective: To capture striking portraits using your phone’s portrait mode or by manually adjusting focus and exposure. The goal is to create portraits that highlight your subject’s personality and features effectively.


Portrait Mode vs. Manual Settings

  • Portrait Mode: Most modern smartphones come equipped with a portrait mode designed to enhance portrait photography. This mode typically blurs the background (creating a shallow depth of field) while keeping the subject in sharp focus. It’s ideal for capturing clear, detailed portraits with a pleasing bokeh effect.

  • Manual Settings: If your phone allows manual adjustments, you can control focus, exposure, and other settings to achieve a customized portrait. Manual settings provide more creative freedom but may require additional practice to perfect.

Using Natural Light

Natural light is a key factor in portrait photography. It creates a soft and flattering effect, enhancing the subject’s features without harsh shadows. Aim to shoot during the golden hour (the hour after sunrise or before sunset) for the best light. Position your subject near a window or in an outdoor space with diffused sunlight to achieve natural, even lighting.

Choosing a Simple Background

A clutter-free background helps the subject stand out. Opt for a plain wall, a gently blurred backdrop, or a simple outdoor setting. Avoid busy or distracting elements that could detract from the subject of your portrait.

How to Enable and Use Portrait Mode

  1. Open Your Camera App: Launch the camera app on your cell phone.

  2. Select Portrait Mode: Locate the portrait mode option, which is usually represented by a person icon or labeled “Portrait.”

  3. Frame Your Shot: Position your subject in the frame, ensuring they are the main focus of the shot.

  4. Adjust Settings: If your phone allows, adjust settings like focus and exposure to suit your subject. Use the on-screen guides to ensure proper composition.

  5. Take the Photo: Tap the shutter button to capture the portrait. Review the image and make adjustments as needed.

Using Manual Settings

  1. Open Your Camera App: Launch the camera app and switch to manual mode (if available).

  2. Adjust Focus: Use the focus slider to ensure your subject is sharp and clear.

  3. Set Exposure: Adjust the exposure settings to properly illuminate your subject. Use the histogram or on-screen guides to avoid overexposure or underexposure.

  4. Compose Your Shot: Frame your subject with a simple background and natural light.

  5. Capture the Portrait: Tap the shutter button to take the photo. Review and fine-tune settings as needed.

Practical Tips for Capturing Stunning Portraits

  1. Natural Light: Position your subject near a window or outdoors in soft, diffused light. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent harsh shadows.

  2. Background: Choose a simple, uncluttered background to keep the focus on your subject. A plain wall or gently blurred landscape works well.

  3. Focus and Exposure: Use manual adjustments to fine-tune focus and exposure. Ensure your subject is in sharp focus and the exposure is balanced.

  4. Angles and Poses: Experiment with different angles and poses to capture your subject’s best features. Encourage them to relax and be themselves.

  5. Editing: Use editing tools to enhance your portrait. Adjust brightness, contrast, and sharpness as needed to achieve a polished look.

Assignment: Portrait Photography Challenge

Objective: Apply the techniques learned to capture striking portraits using your cell phone.

  1. Choose Your Subject: Select someone to be your subject, such as a friend, family member, or pet.

  2. Set Up the Shot: Use portrait mode or manual settings to frame your subject. Ensure good natural light and a simple background.

  3. Take the Photo: Capture multiple shots from different angles and poses to find the best portrait.

  4. Review and Edit: Review your photos and use editing tools to enhance them. Adjust brightness, contrast, and sharpness to create a professional-looking portrait.

  5. Share Your Results: Post your favorite portrait on social media with the hashtag #PortraitPhotographyChallenge. Share your experience and any tips you discovered during the process.


Portrait photography with your cell phone offers a fantastic opportunity to capture and celebrate the unique traits and personalities of those around you. By utilizing portrait mode, manual settings, and focusing on natural light and simple backgrounds, you can create stunning, memorable portraits. Embrace the challenge and enjoy the creative process of capturing the essence of your subjects!


Why I Like It

This approach to portrait photography is both practical and creative, making it easy for anyone to achieve professional-looking results with their cell phone. The use of natural light and simple backgrounds enhances the overall quality of the portraits, while the focus on technique helps users improve their photography skills. It’s a rewarding and enjoyable way to capture and celebrate the unique qualities of people around you.



The lesson plan is well-structured, user-friendly, and practical. It provides clear instructions and valuable tips for capturing high-quality portraits with a cell phone. The inclusion of an assignment and community engagement element adds a practical and interactive dimension to the learning experience.



The art of enhancing contrast in black and white architectural photos is a delicate yet crucial aspect of capturing the drama and elegance of architectural forms. Here are some editing techniques that can help you elevate the contrast in your monochrome images:

  1. Adjusting Levels and Curves: Utilize the Levels and Curves tools in editing software to fine-tune the tonal range of your image. By adjusting the highlights, midtones, and shadows, you can enhance the contrast and make the image pop.

  2. Dodging and Burning: Dodging involves selectively lightening certain areas of the image, while burning darkens other areas. This technique allows you to emphasize the highlights and shadows, enhancing the overall contrast.

  3. Clarity and Sharpening: Increasing clarity can add definition to edges and textures, making them stand out more prominently. Sharpening the image can also enhance details and improve contrast.

  4. Black and White Filters: Experiment with different black and white filters to see how they affect the contrast in your image. Filters can help emphasize certain tones and textures, enhancing the overall contrast.

  5. Selective Contrast Adjustments: Use selective editing tools to target specific areas of the image where you want to enhance contrast. This allows you to fine-tune the contrast in different parts of the photo without affecting the entire image.

  6. Texture Enhancements: Enhancing textures in architectural elements can add depth and dimension to your black and white photos. By accentuating the textures through editing, you can create a more compelling and contrast-rich image.

Remember, the goal of enhancing contrast in black and white architectural photos is to bring out the intricate details, shapes, and textures in a way that emphasizes the beauty and character of the structures. Experiment with these editing techniques to find the right balance of contrast that elevates your monochrome images to new artistic heights.


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Happy shooting, and don’t forget to explore our full blog for more tips and tricks to make the most of your photographic adventures!


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