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  • Writer's pictureG Weisbrodt

How to Photograph Regina, Saskatchewan: A Comprehensive Guide - Continued 2


I’m thrilled to announce that my new book, How to Photograph Regina, Saskatchewan: A Comprehensive Guide, is soon heading to the publisher! This book is your key to unlocking the secrets of capturing Regina's stunning landscapes, vibrant urban scenes, and rich cultural heritage.

But don’t worry if you find yourself short of funds—you can still embark on this exciting journey for free! Visit my blog to read the book and join our learning community. You’ll find engaging assignments and fun competitions designed to enhance your skills and ignite your creativity.

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Let’s capture the magic of Regina together.

Best regards,Gary Weisbrodt

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Chapter 1: Understanding Regina's Climate and Light

Photography is all about light, and understanding the unique qualities of light in Regina throughout the year can make a significant difference in your photos. Regina's distinct seasons offer diverse opportunities for capturing stunning images. From the fresh blooms of spring to the serene snowscapes of winter, each season has its charm and challenges. This chapter will guide you through the seasonal changes and the best times of day for photography in Regina.

1.1 Seasonal Changes

Summer: Long Daylight Hours, Festivals, and Events

Summer in Regina is synonymous with long, warm days that provide ample opportunities for extended photo shoots. This season brings the city to life with a plethora of festivals, events, and vibrant natural beauty, offering photographers a rich tapestry of subjects to capture.

Festivals and Events

Summer in Regina is bustling with festivals and events that provide rich opportunities for photographers. From lively music festivals to cultural celebrations, these events are perfect for capturing the city's vibrant energy and diversity.

Regina Folk Festival

Overview: Held annually, the Regina Folk Festival is a premier music event that attracts artists and audiences from far and wide. It's a fantastic venue for candid photography.

Photography Tips:

Capture the Joy: Look for moments of pure enjoyment among festival-goers. Smiling faces, dancing bodies, and groups of friends can tell a compelling story.

Musician Intensity: Focus on the passion and intensity of the performers. Use a fast lens (such as an f/1.8 or f/2.8) to freeze action and achieve beautiful bokeh effects, isolating your subjects against the colorful festival backdrop.

Energy of the Crowd: Capture wide shots of the crowd to convey the scale and excitement of the event. A slightly elevated vantage point can be useful here.

Mosaic: A Festival of Cultures

Overview: This multicultural event is a vibrant showcase of Regina's diverse communities, featuring performances, traditional attire, and culinary delights from around the world.

Photography Tips:

Dynamic Dance Movements: Focus on the dancers and performers. Use a fast shutter speed to freeze motion, or a slower speed for creative blur effects that convey movement.

Vivid Costumes: Capture the intricate details and vivid colors of traditional costumes. Close-up shots can highlight textures and craftsmanship.

Expressive Faces: Portraits of participants can convey the spirit of the event. Look for moments of joy, concentration, and pride.

Cathedral Village Arts Festival

Overview: This week-long celebration of the arts includes music, theatre, dance, visual arts, and literary events. It transforms the Cathedral Village neighborhood into a vibrant cultural hub.

Photography Tips:

Art Installations: Capture the creativity of visual art displays. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to highlight the uniqueness of each piece.

Performances: Document the variety of performances, from street musicians to theatre acts. Use burst mode to capture key moments in dynamic scenes.

Street Scenes: The festival atmosphere is perfect for street photography. Capture candid interactions, market stalls, and the lively ambiance of the neighborhood.

Queen City Ex

Overview: This annual fair features rides, games, concerts, and agricultural displays. It's a colorful and dynamic event that offers numerous photography opportunities.

Photography Tips:

Night Photography: The fair's rides and games light up beautifully at night. Use long exposure techniques to capture the vibrant lights and motion of the rides.

Candid Moments: Capture the excitement and joy of fair-goers. Look for families enjoying the rides, children playing games, and friends sharing laughs.

Agricultural Displays: Document the animals and exhibits. Close-up shots of animals can be particularly engaging, showcasing their details and expressions.

Additional Tips for Festival Photography

Prepare Your Gear: Ensure you have fully charged batteries, plenty of memory cards, and any necessary lenses or accessories.

Respect Privacy: Be mindful of people's privacy and always ask for permission when taking close-up portraits.

Stay Agile: Festivals can be crowded and dynamic. Keep your gear light and mobile to move around easily and capture spontaneous moments.

Summer festivals in Regina provide a rich tapestry of subjects and scenes. Whether you're capturing the lively energy of a music festival or the cultural richness of a multicultural event, these tips will help you make the most of the city's vibrant summer season. Embrace the diversity and excitement of Regina's festivals, and let your creativity shine through your photography.

Wascana Lake

Wascana Lake, the centerpiece of Regina’s Wascana Centre, is a photogenic gem offering a multitude of opportunities for stunning photographs. The extended daylight hours of summer make it an ideal time to explore and capture the beauty of the lake and its surroundings.

Photographing the Lake

Timing and Light:

Early Mornings: The tranquil early hours provide soft, golden light that enhances the natural beauty of the lake. The calm water often reflects the sky and surrounding foliage, creating mirror-like images perfect for serene, peaceful shots.

Late Afternoons: As the sun begins to set, the golden hour bathes the lake in warm hues. This time is perfect for capturing the vibrant colors of the sunset reflecting off the water and the soft light illuminating the shoreline and nearby landmarks.

Unique Perspectives:

Rent a Paddleboat or Kayak: To gain unique perspectives of the shoreline and the city skyline, consider renting a paddleboat or kayak. Being on the water allows you to capture the lake from angles that aren’t possible from the shore. Look for interesting compositions, such as framing the skyline with overhanging branches or capturing reflections on the water’s surface.

Skyline Views: Position yourself to include Regina’s skyline in your shots. The juxtaposition of natural elements with urban architecture can create striking images. Use the reflections in the lake to add depth and dimension to your photos.

Composition Techniques:

Framing: Utilize natural frames like overhanging branches, reeds, and other vegetation around the lake. This technique draws the viewer’s eye into the scene and adds a sense of depth and context to your photos.

Reflections: Calm days offer perfect conditions for capturing reflections. Look for interesting subjects like boats, trees, and buildings reflected on the lake’s surface. Adjust your angle to ensure a clear and sharp reflection.

Leading Lines: Use pathways, bridges, or the natural curve of the shoreline to lead the viewer’s eye through the composition. Leading lines can add a dynamic element to your landscape photos, guiding the viewer’s gaze toward the main subject.

Seasonal Highlights:

Spring and Summer Blooms: The areas around Wascana Lake are lush and colorful during spring and summer, with blooming flowers and vibrant greenery. Capture the contrast of colorful blossoms against the blue of the lake.

Fall Foliage: In autumn, the trees around the lake display a stunning array of colors, from golden yellows to deep reds. Early morning or late afternoon light enhances these colors, creating dramatic and vibrant images.

Winter Wonderland: In winter, the snow-covered landscapes around Wascana Lake offer a serene and picturesque setting. The lake often freezes, providing opportunities for unique compositions with snow and ice.

Wildlife Photography:

Bird Watching: Wascana Lake is home to a variety of bird species, including ducks, geese, and swans. Capture these birds in their natural habitat, taking advantage of early morning light for the best conditions.

Other Wildlife: Keep an eye out for other local wildlife, such as squirrels and beavers. Patience and a good zoom lens are key for getting close-up shots without disturbing the animals.

Additional Tips:

Weather Conditions: Check the weather forecast before heading out. Clear days offer the best light for reflections, while overcast days can provide soft, diffused light that’s great for capturing details.

Safety First: If you’re renting a boat or kayak, always wear a life jacket and ensure you’re familiar with basic water safety rules.

Lens Selection: A wide-angle lens is great for capturing expansive landscapes, while a telephoto lens allows you to zoom in on distant subjects, such as birds or architectural details.

Wascana Lake is a dynamic and beautiful location that offers endless photographic possibilities. Whether you’re capturing the tranquil early morning light, the vibrant colors of sunset, or the diverse wildlife, each visit to the lake can yield new and exciting images. Embrace the changing seasons and the unique perspectives that Wascana Lake offers, and let your creativity flourish as you explore this iconic Regina landmark.

Parks and Gardens

Regina's parks and gardens are a haven for photographers, offering lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and serene landscapes. Here’s how to make the most of these beautiful locations:

Victoria Park


Victoria Park is a centrally located green oasis in the heart of Regina. Its well-maintained gardens and vibrant flowerbeds make it a prime spot for floral and landscape photography.

Photography Tips:

Floral Photography: Use a polarizing filter to deepen the blue of the sky and enhance the rich colors of the flowers. Early morning or late afternoon light helps you avoid harsh shadows, bringing out the natural beauty of the blooms.

Golden Hour: This time of day provides soft, warm light that enhances the colors of the flowers and casts long, interesting shadows. It’s perfect for capturing the tranquil beauty of the park.

Composition: Experiment with different compositions to highlight the park’s beauty. Use leading lines like pathways or garden edges to guide the viewer’s eye through the photo. Look for natural frames such as tree branches or flower arches.

Points of Interest:

Fountain: The central fountain in Victoria Park is a popular spot for photographs. Capture it from different angles, especially during the golden hour when the light creates beautiful reflections in the water.

Flowerbeds: The park's vibrant flowerbeds offer a riot of color, perfect for macro photography. Focus on individual blooms to reveal intricate details and textures.

Statues and Monuments: Incorporate the park’s statues and monuments into your compositions for a blend of nature and art.

Queen Elizabeth II Gardens


Located near the Legislative Building, the Queen Elizabeth II Gardens are a riot of color in summer, featuring meticulously arranged flowerbeds and beautifully landscaped grounds.

Photography Tips:

Symmetry and Patterns: Look for opportunities to capture the symmetry and patterns within the flowerbeds. This can be particularly striking when viewed from a high angle or from the end of a row of flowers.

Macro Photography: Use a macro lens to reveal the intricate details of individual flowers. Focus on the texture of the petals, the patterns of the leaves, and the vibrant colors. Early morning dew can add a touch of sparkle to your macro shots.

Wide-Angle Shots: A wide-angle lens can showcase the overall splendor of the garden layout. Capture the expanse of the flowerbeds, the pathways, and the surrounding greenery to convey the scale and beauty of the gardens.

Points of Interest:

Legislative Building Backdrop: The gardens with the majestic Legislative Building in the background create a stunning composition. Shoot from different angles to find the perfect balance between the garden’s vibrant flowers and the building’s stately architecture.

Seasonal Changes: Each season brings a new look to the gardens. Capture the fresh blooms of spring, the full bloom of summer, the rich hues of autumn, and the frosty beauty of winter.

Architectural Elements: Incorporate elements like benches, fountains, and statues into your shots. These features add interest and context to your photographs.

Additional Tips for Park and Garden Photography:

Lighting: Soft, diffused light is ideal for flower photography. Overcast days can be perfect for avoiding harsh shadows and bringing out the colors and details of the plants.

Perspective: Don’t be afraid to get low to the ground to capture flowers from a unique perspective. Shooting from a low angle can make flowers appear larger and more dramatic.

Background: Pay attention to the background of your shots. A cluttered or distracting background can take away from the beauty of your subject. Use a shallow depth of field to blur the background and make your subject stand out.

Patience: Be patient and take your time to compose each shot. The more you observe your surroundings, the more opportunities you’ll find for unique and beautiful photographs.

Regina’s parks and gardens are a photographer’s paradise, offering a wealth of opportunities to capture the beauty of nature in all its glory. Whether you’re focusing on the vibrant colors of a flowerbed, the serene landscapes of a park, or the intricate details of a single bloom, these locations provide endless inspiration for your photography.

As you explore Regina during the summer months, let the city's vibrant energy and natural beauty inspire your photography. Whether you're capturing the lively atmosphere of a festival or the serene beauty of a park, use the long daylight hours to experiment with different techniques and perspectives. Embrace the season's warmth and light, and let your creativity flourish.

In addition to the festivals, Wascana Lake, and parks and gardens mentioned earlier, there are more summer photography opportunities in Regina:

Outdoor Markets: Summer in Regina brings a variety of outdoor markets, such as the Regina Farmers' Market and the Cathedral Village Arts Market. These markets offer a plethora of colorful, textured, and unique subjects for photography, including fresh produce, handmade crafts, and local artisans. Capture the lively atmosphere, the interactions between vendors and customers, and the vibrant displays of goods.

Street Art and Murals: Regina has a growing collection of street art and murals, providing excellent backdrops for creative photography. Explore the city's alleys and streets to discover these hidden gems. Use them as backgrounds for portraits, or capture their intricate details and colors in abstract compositions.

Sunrise and Sunset Photography: Take advantage of the long summer days to capture stunning sunrise and sunset images. Scout locations around the city that offer clear views of the horizon, such as Wascana Lake, the Legislative Building, or the Albert Street Bridge. Experiment with silhouettes, reflections, and capturing the changing colors of the sky during these golden hours.

Urban Landscapes and Architecture: Regina's cityscape includes modern and historic buildings, offering a variety of architectural styles for photography. Explore the city's downtown core, the warehouse district, and the residential neighborhoods to find interesting compositions. Look for unique perspectives, such as shooting from low angles or capturing reflections in windows and puddles.

Parks and Nature Reserves: Aside from Wascana Lake and the parks mentioned earlier, there are other green spaces in Regina that offer beautiful settings for nature and landscape photography. Visit places like the Les Sherman Park, Douglas Park, and the W.W. Cross Conservation Area to capture images of wildflowers, trees, and local wildlife.

Remember to always respect private property, ask for permission when photographing people, and be mindful of your surroundings to ensure safety and preserve the natural environment.

To best prepare your camera gear for sunrise and sunset shoots in Regina, consider the following tips:

Use a tripod: A sturdy tripod is essential for capturing sharp images during low light conditions. It will help you stabilize your camera and avoid camera shake, especially when using slower shutter speeds.

Bring a remote shutter release or use your camera's timer: To further minimize camera shake, use a remote shutter release or your camera's timer function. This will allow you to take photos without touching the camera, ensuring sharp images.

Pack extra batteries and memory cards: Cold temperatures and long shoots can drain your camera's battery faster than usual. Bringing extra batteries ensures you won't run out of power during your shoot. Additionally, having extra memory cards will allow you to capture more images without worrying about running out of storage space.

Use manual mode: Manual mode gives you full control over your camera's settings, allowing you to adjust your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to achieve the desired exposure. During sunrise and sunset, the light conditions can change rapidly, so being able to adjust your settings quickly is crucial.

Set the correct white balance: The warm tones of sunrise and sunset can affect your camera's white balance. To ensure accurate colors, set your white balance to "shade" or "cloudy" for sunrise and "daylight" or "sunny" for sunset. Alternatively, you can shoot in RAW format and adjust the white balance during post-processing.

Use a lens hood: A lens hood can help reduce lens flare and protect your lens from accidental damage. It's especially useful during sunrise and sunset shoots when the sun is low in the sky and can cause lens flare.

Bring a variety of lenses: Having a wide-angle lens, a standard zoom lens, and a telephoto lens will give you the flexibility to capture various compositions. A wide-angle lens is great for capturing expansive landscapes, a standard zoom lens is useful for general-purpose shooting, and a telephoto lens can help you isolate distant subjects and create compression effects.

Check and clean your equipment: Before heading out for your shoot, make sure your camera and lenses are clean and free of dust and smudges. This will help ensure sharp, clear images.

Dress appropriately: Wear layers to stay warm and comfortable during sunrise and sunset shoots, as temperatures can drop significantly. Bring a hat, gloves, and warm socks to protect yourself from the cold.

By preparing your camera gear and following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to handle the changing light conditions during sunrise and sunset shoots in Regina, allowing you to capture stunning images of the city's beautiful skies and landscapes.

Assignment: Wascana Lake

Overview:Wascana Lake, the centerpiece of Regina’s Wascana Centre, offers stunning photographic opportunities, especially during the extended daylight hours of summer.

Photography Tips:

Early Mornings: The soft, golden light enhances the natural beauty of the lake. The calm water often reflects the sky and surrounding foliage, creating mirror-like images.

Late Afternoons: The golden hour bathes the lake in warm hues, perfect for capturing the vibrant colors of the sunset and the soft light illuminating the shoreline and nearby landmarks.

Unique Perspectives: Rent a paddleboat or kayak to capture unique perspectives of the shoreline and the city skyline. Look for interesting compositions, such as framing the skyline with overhanging branches or capturing reflections on the water’s surface.

Framing and Reflections: Utilize natural frames like overhanging branches, reeds, and other vegetation. Calm days offer perfect conditions for capturing reflections.


Capture at least 10 images of Wascana Lake, including early morning shots, late afternoon golden hour shots, and unique perspectives from a paddleboat or kayak. Focus on natural frames, reflections, and the juxtaposition of natural elements with urban architecture.

By completing this assignment, you'll not only enhance your photography skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and vitality of Regina during the spring season. Enjoy the process and let the spirit of renewal inspire your work!

Leave a link to your assignment in the comments below.

By embracing Regina’s vibrant summer season and its many photographic opportunities, you will not only enhance your skills but also build a captivating portfolio that showcases the city's unique charm. Happy shooting!


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