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  • Writer's pictureG Weisbrodt

Shattered Trust Poem: Promises


"Promises" is a poignant exploration of broken vows, deceit, and the path to redemption. The poem traverses the landscape of shattered trust and the emotional aftermath, ultimately highlighting the resilience needed to rebuild and embrace truth. It delves into themes of regret, betrayal, and personal growth, offering a rich tapestry of imagery and reflection.

Broken Glass and Shattered Vows


The poem opens with a somber tone, setting the stage for an exploration of broken promises and their consequences. Through vivid imagery and emotional depth, it addresses various facets of betrayal, from the initial allure of false promises to the painful aftermath of regret. Each section unfolds a different aspect of the theme, culminating in a message of resilience and the enduring value of truth. The structure and language aim to evoke a deep emotional response, encouraging readers to reflect on their own experiences with trust and redemption.


1. Age: 25-65

  • Reasoning: The themes of betrayal, regret, and redemption resonate with individuals who have experienced complex relationships and life challenges.

2. Gender: All Genders

  • Reasoning: The universal nature of the poem's themes appeals to all genders.

3. Interests: Literature enthusiasts, poetry lovers, readers interested in personal growth and emotional exploration

  • Reasoning: The poem's sophisticated language and deep themes cater to individuals who appreciate nuanced and thought-provoking literature.

4. Occupation: Professionals, academics, and creatives

  • Reasoning: Those in creative or reflective professions may be drawn to the poem’s depth and emotional complexity.

5. Education Level: College educated and above

  • Reasoning: The advanced language and thematic exploration align with readers who have a higher level of education and appreciation for literary art.

By focusing on these aspects, you can enhance the poem's impact and reach, making it a compelling piece for a wide and engaged audience.



In the twilight's somber, shadowed realm,

Where whispers of hope and despair overwhelm,

Lie echoes of promises, broken and fraught,

Woven with threads of deceit, tangled and caught.

I. The Shattered Vows

In a castle of dreams, once regal and grand,

Lies the wreckage of vows, crafted by hand.

In its echoing halls where soft promises rang,

Now silence dominates, harsh and unkindly clang.

Promises forged in the fires of fervent belief,

Shattered like brittle glass, leaving deep scars of grief.

Words once golden, now tarnished and gray,

Left scattered like ashes, faded away.

II. The Illusions of Glory

Behold the banners of splendor, unfurled in the sky,

That promised the stars, the moon’s gentle sigh.

But beneath the glittering and dazzling disguise,

Lay the cold, stark truth, a deceiver’s lies.

Each promise of triumph, of power, and fame,

Hides shadows of sorrow, a tarnished name.

The allure of riches, delight, and delight,

Turns to haunting shadows that shroud the night.

III. The Betrayer’s Lament

Amidst the deceit stands a figure so tall,

The betrayer who crafted the grandest of sprawl.

With silk-spun words and intentions of glass,

They wove illusions that shattered like brass.

Yet beneath the façade, a mournful tone,

A heart wrapped in guilt, a heavy stone.

For the betrayer, too, feels the cost so grave,

Of promises broken, trust left to wave.

IV. The Echoes of Regret

Through corridors of time, regret softly calls,

An echo that reverberates through forsaken halls.

It whispers of choices made in feverish haste,

Of futures once bright, now laid to waste.

Regret wraps around the heart like a shadowed shroud,

A silent companion, somber and proud.

In moments of quiet, the truth becomes clear,

The weight of false promises, heavy and near.

V. The Rise from Ruin

Yet from ruins of dreams and deceit so deep,

Arises strength from the ashes, where resolve seeps.

In the wreckage of promises, shattered and old,

New paths are forged, new tales to unfold.

For in the rubble where shadows lie,

Seeds of resolve and redemption quietly lie.

The strength to rise, to start anew,

Emerges from lessons, from false promises’ hue.

VI. The Legacy of Truth

In the end, legacy is forged in the light,

Of truth embraced, banishing the night.

False promises fade, like mist in the dawn,

But truth remains, steadfast and strong.

As past echoes become a distant song,

The heart learns to trust where it once went wrong.

In the wake of deceit and echoes of pain,

Truth reigns supreme, a sovereign to gain.


Why I Like It

I appreciate "Promises" for its evocative language and emotional depth. The poem’s ability to weave together themes of betrayal, regret, and redemption in a cohesive narrative is compelling. It resonates with me because it captures the universal experience of dealing with broken trust and finding the strength to move forward. The rich imagery and thoughtful reflections offer both a cathartic and inspirational experience, making it a powerful and relatable piece.


Ask us for the lesson plan.

Could you please share the lesson plan for teaching "Promises"? We're interested in understanding the structure, key objectives, and activities involved in guiding students through the poem's themes and literary elements.

Thank you!

Lesson Overview:

Students will explore the epic poem "Promises," examining its themes, structure, and literary devices. They will discuss how the poem’s themes of unity, love, and the human spirit resonate with contemporary issues. The lesson will include reading, analysis, group discussions, and creative writing exercises.

Grade Level: 9-12


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