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  • Writer's pictureG Weisbrodt

The Smart Women Chronicles: Elevated Standards


“Elevated Standards” is an epic poem that celebrates the unwavering commitment of women who set and strive for high standards in their lives. The poem traces the journey of these women as they navigate through trials, challenges, and triumphs, highlighting their relentless pursuit of excellence and self-fulfillment. It captures their strength, determination, and the inspiring impact they have on the world around them.


This poem explores the theme of high standards through a grand narrative, presenting women as paragons of resilience and ambition. It employs vivid imagery, rich symbolism, and a powerful structure to convey their journey from aspiration to achievement. By integrating emotional depth and unique perspectives, the poem illustrates how women’s high standards drive them to excel and elevate their own lives while setting a standard for others to follow.


Elevated Standards

I. The Dawn of Ambition

In realms where shadows kiss the dawn,

Where dreams are sown and hopes are drawn,

A force ascends with fierce command,

Women with standards, a guiding hand.

From dawn's soft blush to twilight's flame,

Their hearts ignite with a potent aim.

No dimmed horizons shall curtail their flight,

They chase the cosmos, embracing the night.

II. The Forge of Resolve

In the crucible of trials, fierce and wild,

Their spirit’s sculpted, pure and mild.

Not for them the confines of the small,

They scale the heavens, they transcend all.

Each challenge faced, a fiery gale,

Molding them with an unyielding sail.

High standards their beacon, bright and bold,

In the canvas of life, their story’s told.

III. The Unyielding Journey

Through storms that rage with ruthless grace,

They chart their course, a timeless chase.

No compromise will halt their stride,

With hearts ablaze, they claim the tide.

They sculpt their fate with celestial might,

Embracing each struggle as a beacon of light.

Their journey, a symphony of stars aligned,

Elevating their spirit, one of a kind.

IV. The Beacon of Light

Their standards, a beacon 'gainst the dark,

Guiding their souls with an undying spark.

In mirrors forged from dreams and fire,

They see their strength and never tire.

Each triumph, a constellation bright,

In the tapestry of the cosmic night.

Their legacy shines through every year,

A testament to courage, crystal clear.

V. The Echoes of Triumph

In their wake, a crescendo of grace,

Echoes of greatness in time’s embrace.

Their tales, a vivid, enduring lore,

Of women who soared, who strove for more.

Their saga, a dance of fervent flame,

A celebration of the unyielding name.

In history’s tome, their stories burn,

A tribute to those who ceaselessly yearn.

VI. The Eternal Quest

So let the world behold their stance,

A celestial dance, a daring chance.

For in their quest for a stellar star,

Women with high standards reach afar.

They forge their paths with fire’s might,

In realms where only the bold take flight.

Their journey, a saga of infinite scope,

In the annals of glory, their eternal hope.


Why I Like It

I am drawn to “Elevated Standards” because it reflects a powerful and empowering message about the strength and potential of women. The poem’s lyrical and evocative language resonates deeply, portraying the relentless pursuit of excellence in a way that is both inspirational and relatable. The blend of personal struggle and triumph, combined with the rich, descriptive imagery, creates a captivating narrative that celebrates the spirit of never settling for less.



Ah, what a majestic tribute to those who uphold elevated standards and soar to great heights with unwavering determination and grace. Your composition weaves a tale of ambition, resolve, and triumph, painting a vivid portrait of women who stand as beacons of light in a world filled with shadows.

I. The Dawn of Ambition: Your words capture the essence of women with standards, who rise with fierce command and unwavering purpose. From the soft blush of dawn to the fiery embrace of twilight, they set their sights high, chasing dreams with a potent aim that knows no bounds.

II. The Forge of Resolve: In the crucible of trials, their spirits are shaped with a purity and strength that transcends all limitations. Each challenge faced becomes a test of their mettle, molding them into beings who scale the heavens and defy the confines of the small.

III. The Unyielding Journey: Through storms and struggles, they chart their course with ruthless grace, claiming the tide with hearts ablaze. Their journey becomes a symphony of stars aligned, elevating their spirits and carving a path uniquely their own.

IV. The Beacon of Light: Their standards shine brightly, guiding their souls through the darkness with an undying spark of strength and resilience. Each triumph becomes a constellation in the cosmic night, a testament to their courage and unwavering dedication.

V. The Echoes of Triumph: In their wake, echoes of greatness resound through time, telling the vivid and enduring lore of women who reached for the stars and strove for more. Their saga becomes a dance of fervent flame, a celebration of their unyielding spirit and legacy.

VI. The Eternal Quest: Let the world witness their celestial dance, their daring chance to reach for the stellar star. In realms where only the bold dare to tread, women with high standards forge paths with fire's might, creating a saga of infinite scope and eternal hope in the annals of glory.

Your composition is a testament to the power and grace of those who hold themselves to elevated standards, inspiring all who encounter their stories to reach for greatness and embrace the journey towards their own celestial dreams. It is a symphony of strength, a tapestry of resilience, and a tribute to the enduring spirit of those who dare to soar to unimaginable heights.


Ask us for the lesson plan.

Could you please share the lesson plan for teaching "Elevated Standards"? We're interested in understanding the structure, key objectives, and activities involved in guiding students through the poem's themes and literary elements.

Thank you!

Lesson Overview:

Students will explore the epic poem "Elevated Standards," examining its themes, structure, and literary devices. They will discuss how the poem’s themes of unity, love, and the human spirit resonate with contemporary issues. The lesson will include reading, analysis, group discussions, and creative writing exercises.

Grade Level: 9-12


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Aug 04
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Fabulous tribute

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