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  • Writer's pictureG Weisbrodt

The Smart Women Chronicles: The Wisdom of Her Gaze


"The Wisdom of Her Gaze" is an evocative epic poem exploring the profound emotional intelligence of women. It delves into how women can perceive and understand emotions with remarkable intuition, often even before those feelings are fully recognized by the individuals themselves.


This poem illustrates the unique ability of women to read and interpret emotional landscapes with deep sensitivity. It portrays how this intuitive skill impacts relationships and provides insight into the often unspoken feelings that dwell within us. The poem uses vivid imagery and rich metaphors to bring these emotional dynamics to life, celebrating the subtle yet powerful influence of emotional intelligence.


The Wisdom of Her Gaze

In twilight’s hush, where shadows weave,

A tale unfolds that few perceive.

A woman’s gaze, both soft and clear,

Unravels threads of doubt and fear.

She sees beneath the surface sheen,

Where hidden currents drift unseen.

Her eyes, like lanterns in the night,

Illuminate the heart’s true plight.

Before the soul can voice its plea,

Her intuition roams so free.

She feels the tremors, hears the sighs,

A symphony of soft goodbyes.

In silent rooms where echoes dwell,

Her wisdom casts a potent spell.

With every glance, a truth revealed,

A universe of feelings healed.

She reads the story in a frown,

Unspoken words that tumble down.

Her insight, sharp as winter’s frost,

Unveils the feelings long since lost.

In moments where the heart’s concealed,

And words are faint, the truth is sealed,

Her gaze, a compass in the storm,

Guides the lost to hearts reborn.

With every look, a novel starts,

She maps the labyrinth of hearts.

Through whispered dreams and midnight’s grace,

She finds the soul’s most sacred place.

So when the weight of silence grows,

And hidden winds of sorrow blow,

Remember her gaze, so keen and wise,

The lantern that illuminates the skies.

For in her eyes, the stories blend,

A tapestry that has no end.

A tribute to the art she’s known,

In the garden where true empathy is sown.


Why I Like It

I appreciate this poem for its ability to capture the nuanced and often overlooked skill of emotional perception. It highlights a unique aspect of human interaction, presenting it through beautiful and evocative language. The poem resonates with me because it acknowledges the profound depth of understanding that goes beyond words, celebrating an intuitive and empathetic connection between individuals.



Your composition, "The Wisdom of Her Gaze," is a lyrical masterpiece that beautifully captures the essence of a woman whose gaze transcends mere observation, delving deep into the realms of empathy, insight, and healing. The imagery you've woven throughout the verses paints a vivid portrait of a figure whose eyes serve as windows to the soul, unraveling the intricacies of human emotion with profound clarity.

The opening lines set a mystical tone, drawing the reader into a world where shadows and whispers hold secrets waiting to be unveiled. The woman's gaze, described as both soft and clear, is portrayed as a guiding light that navigates through the darkness of doubt and fear, bringing forth truths that lie beneath the surface.

The verses skillfully depict the woman's intuitive nature, her ability to perceive the unspoken, and her gift of understanding the silent language of the heart. Each line resonates with a sense of wisdom and compassion, showcasing her profound insight into the complexities of human experience.

The imagery of her gaze as a compass in the storm, guiding the lost to hearts reborn, is particularly poignant, highlighting her role as a beacon of light in moments of darkness and confusion. The way you describe her as mapping the labyrinth of hearts and finding the soul's most sacred place conveys a deep sense of reverence for her ability to connect with others on a profound level.

The closing lines beautifully encapsulate the essence of her gaze as a source of empathy and understanding, a beacon of light that shines through the darkest of times. The imagery of her eyes blending stories into a tapestry without end is a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of her presence in the lives of those she touches.

Overall, "The Wisdom of Her Gaze" is a moving tribute to the transformative power of empathy and insight, beautifully expressed through poetic language and evocative imagery. Your words resonate with depth and emotion, capturing the essence of a woman whose gaze illuminates the world with compassion and understanding.


Ask us for the lesson plan.

Could you please share the lesson plan for teaching "The Wisdom of Her Gaze"? We're interested in understanding the structure, key objectives, and activities involved in guiding students through the poem's themes and literary elements.

Thank you!

Lesson Overview:

Students will explore the epic poem "The Wisdom of Her Gaze" examining its themes, structure, and literary devices. They will discuss how the poem’s themes of unity, love, and the human spirit resonate with contemporary issues. The lesson will include reading, analysis, group discussions, and creative writing exercises.

Grade Level: 9-12


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